Monday, February 25, 2013

Why not a flawed god?

Many of the philosophical objections to the concept of "God" stems from the claims (that mostly the abrahamic religions make) that God is absolutely perfect, absolutely all-powerful, absolutely all-knowing, infinite, omnipresent, absolutely good, completely without any kind of flaw or evil, and so on. The requirement of being absolute at all possible positive things and capabilities presents a multitude of logical contradictions.

This got me thinking: Why exactly are the abrahamic religions, especially Christianity, so completely obsessed with God being absolutely perfect and having the maximum possible amount of everything? What exactly would be the problem in the notion of a god that does not have absolute and infinite properties? This god might be unbelievably powerful and so on, but not infinitely so. This god might not be absolutely everywhere at all times, know absolutely everything, and have limits. This god might have flaws. (One could argue that even with these flaws this god is unbelievably close to perfection; but still even slightly flawed.)

It seems that many Christians consider God being anything less than absolutely perfect and infinite to be akin to blasphemy. It's unthinkable.

(Of course there's exactly as much evidence for this kind of limited god as there is for the god of Christianity, that's to say zero, but at least a limited god would address most of the philosophical objections that an absolute god raises.)

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